Ophthalmology is the specific area of pet care involving treatment of an animal’s eyes. Eyes are very important. We encourage all of our clients to call as soon as any issue is noticed, such discharge from one or both eyes, squinting, lumps on the eyelids, redness or other abnormalities.
Eye examinations require specific equipment, such as an ophthalmoscope (a magnifying light to look into the eye). Our veterinarians can also use a special dye called fluorescein which fluoresces a green/yellow colour under UV light to identify any damage to the cornea (the clear layer at the front of the eye). We may also use a tonometer to check the pressure inside your pet’s eye; which, is raised with a condition called glaucoma.
Many eye conditions can be treated medically; however, some conditions may require surgery. The sooner an issue is identified and treatment begun, the better the outcome is likely to be.
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